Friday, January 25, 2008

I *knew* I knew that voice...

Ok, so, this isn't book related at all, but I want to do my part and put this info on the web, so that anyone else who happens to search the net for "who does the voice overs for the BBA America closed caption ads?" might actually have better luck than I do finding hits.

Thanks (eventually) to Television Without Pity's forums (TWOP, for those in the know) who finally clued me in. I kept hitting "back" on the DVR to listen to the voice over - knowing I knew the voice - without being able to come up with the name. And, unlike roles in TV shows or movies, you can't usually just look up on imdb to see what's up. Well, ok, you actually can, once you already know who it was doing the voice overs, but that's a little like telling someone to look up the spelling of Qatar in the dictionary. Sure, it might be out there, but unless you already know what it is you heard, you won't know where to look.

Oh, yeah, I should probably post the answer: It's John Oliver, known here at least as a correspondent on "The Daily Show".

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